However, as much as this period is essential, emergency or urgent scenarios can prompt us to go the extra mile in getting in touch with people despite knowing they don’t want it. Luckily, there are methods already put in place by phone manufacturers to facilitate this. In addition, collective efforts from software developers and third-party apps yielded valuable options. You can access these options as comprehensively arranged in this guide article. Learn how below.
Can You Make Someone’s Phone Ring?
Yes, you can make someone’s phone ring even if they are trying to keep it from ringing. Your first step in doing this is determining which phone they use. If the person uses an Android phone, you have different options and possible methods from those using iPhones. So after figuring out what type, you also need to ensure that you seek permission if your method requires that. Some procedures require you to make settings on your phone, and others don’t so ensure you’re on the same page. Other options require downloading apps like Snoozle, Walkie Chat, and Galarm.
How to Make Someone’s Phone Ring
There are several ways to get this done. Depending on how close you are, how much access you can get, and how much effort you’re willing to put in. Making someone’s phone ring is relatively easy, and you can do it in a few steps. But keep in mind the type of phone the person uses because not all the methods listed here can work for all devices, i.e., iOS and Android. If you’re trying to do this as a prank, ensure you aren’t disturbing other people or getting them in trouble, such as in exam halls or important meetings. You can, however, use it for essential tasks like alarms. You can also use it to set important reminders or get across immediately in case of emergencies or urgent situations that need their attention. You can use manual approaches to do this by making reminders or changing a few settings on your phones. Or, instead, get a third-party app designed specifically for this purpose. An example of such an app is the Alarmy and Galarm, which allows you to ring someone else’s phone even if it’s on silent plus DND. Below are options you can select from:
Tell them to add you to their favorite list Call them more than once if it’s DND Tell then to allow calls from you in DND Tell them to add you as starred contact Ask then to turn the silent mode off Make use of third-party apps
So, take your time to review all the options before deciding which one works best for you.
1. Tell Them to Add You to Their Favourites List
Perhaps the most straightforward method if your friends don’t mind giving you that level of access to their privacy. When your friend adds you to their favorite list on their contact lists, you automatically get more priority on the call logs. So the phone identifies your name, can waiver the silent mode, and allow the call to ring –you’re their favorite anyway. The advantage here is that their phone will probably ring anytime you call, making it perfect as the number one option in this guide. So whether you’re doing it yourself or asking your friend, below are steps to add people to the favorite list. How to Add Favorites on iPhone
- Open the phone app
- Tap the favorite button
- Click on the + button in the upper left corner
- Find the contact you want to add and choose it Another thing you can do if the person is using an iPhone is to send an alarm to their phone. Use the in-built reminder app on your device (you must be using an iPhone, too) to create a reminder that will alarm someone else’s iPhone. Tap the + button at the top-right corner to enter the person’s name and phone number.
2. Call Them More Than Once If It’s on DND
Putting your phone in DND doesn’t outrightly block out all the sounds that can come from your phone, so getting over it isn’t that difficult. In addition, DND blocks out any notification, including calls, so they don’t get disturbed. So, if you’re sure their phone is in DND, a life hack that might save you time is to call more than once. Yes, the phone is in DND, and they won’t get any notification of a call, but wait till you call twice. The DND mode will waver the first call, and they know absolutely nothing about it. But if the same number calls again, their phone picks it up as an emergency. Why else would anyone call twice anyway if not urgent? So they get notified of this new call since the caller can’t wait to get through to them (if this doesn’t work sound fair to you, don’t use DND next time).
3. Tell Them to Allow Calls From You in DND
If you like to do this legally, this method will suit your preference better because it requires permission. Whoever it is, you will have sought permission to intrude their private time whenever you want and be able to penetrate the not-so-thick walls of the DND. Even though you can easily do this by calling twice, this method makes things simpler by allowing your call to go through the moment you make it. Like there is never a DND in use. However, this option is only available if you’re an iPhone user because the settings discussed here are only on iPhones. But don’t worry; if you’d like an Android version of this trick, you’ll get it in due course. Just continue reading this guide. So these iPhone settings allow you to select a set of people who are so dear to you that you don’t mind breaking your concentration. Note that this option is not valid for phones in silent modes. So if the person you want to alert uses silent mode instead of DND, you should try other methods discussed. How to Allow Calls in DND
- Open Settings and select Notifications on the device
- Tap on Do Not Disturb (DND)
- Click Allow Calls From
- Choose friends you want to add to this list
4. Tell Them to Add You as A Starred Contact
If you’re an Android user, this option is for you. Instead of the tag “favorites” on iPhones, it’s “starred” on Android, denoting contacts you have selected as important ones. When you star a contact, they get some benefits, including being able to call you when your phone is in DND or getting a unique space on your contact list. Since we are concerned with getting someone’s phone to ring, we’ll discuss how you can tell your friends to add you to their starred contacts. The primary point when requesting is to ensure you attach meaning to the request. Then, give them reasons why they should add you to starred friends, so you don’t have to go about downloading different apps when you wish to reach out to them. How to Add People to Starred Contacts
- Open Contacts on your phone
- Select contacts you want to add
- On the contact card, tap the star icon to add the number to your starred contact It works like the iPhone’s favorite option. But when your friend adds you to the starred contact, your call won’t escape the DND mode until they make some additional changes that allow this to happen. So if they don’t know how to do this, you can check out the steps outlined below on giving starred contact access to the ringing phone even if in DND. How to Make Certain Numbers Ring on Silent (for Android phones )
- Go to Settings
- Tap on Sounds or Notifications
- Click on Priority Only Allows or DND
- Select From Starred Contacts Only or Favorite Contact Only
5. Ask Them to Turn It Off Silent
Easy does it. Instead of forcing your way in or asking for permission to call them when they don’t want any calls, you can make a better offer. First, request the person turn off their silent mode or DND features when you want to call. Then, if you’re sure you will be calling them in the evening, and there is a chance they will be using these features, tell them to remove them so they can receive your call. Although there might be occasions when you need to make emergency calls that they won’t be able to pick up because you didn’t notify them beforehand. In that case, you can use any of the other alternatives on this list. But never forget that you can make things easier for both parties by requesting they make their phones available around the period you’d be calling.
6. Make Use of Third-party Apps
If you still can’t find something you resonate with after checking all these in-app options, you can try some third-party apps that work just fine. The apps have designs and programs that allow them to bypass silent modes and DND. You can blare alarms, notifications, and calls to someone’s phone without being on their favorite list, calling twice, or requesting access. Check them out below: Galarm Galarm is one of the few free alarm apps that help bridge gaps between many people and keep to your schedule. The app is perfect if you want to ring someone’s phone on silent mode. The app features include the creation and sharing of alarms between different participants. You can also use it to create a joint reminder for an important program. When you’re running late, your fellow participants can give you a nudge. Unlike regular phone alarms, they can blare the alarm anywhere, anytime. So how does this help ring someone’s phone? You must ensure the person also installs the Galarm app on their phone and signs up. Then, you’ll agree to create a team alarm or reminder even if there is no event. So when your friend is running late, you can ring their phone, and they’ll immediately see the notification even if they have silent or DND mode. Next, ensure you are among their backups, so you are there, ready to pounce and ring them when the need arises. Snoozle One of the most effective ways to ring someone is through Snoozle. But the condition here is that they still get to decide when the alarm goes off. Snoozle also adds a little Gen Z feature to the app. So you not only get to ring your friend out loud when their phone’s silent. You also get to control what they hear when the phone rings. It works in similar ways to Galarm. You set up your profile and connect with friends when you download the app. So anytime you have an event or alarm set, you can control what your friend gets as a message, and don’t worry, they’ll get your message loud and clear even if their phone’s silent. Add a little flavour to the whole ordeal by sending a customized voice note of what you want to tell them. To get started, you can download the app, install it, register, notify your friend to get it too, connect, set the alarm, and you’re good to go! Walkie Chat What makes walkie-talkies so popular and valuable? Because it allows two-way communication whether both parties want it or not. Now imagine bringing this feature to a mobile phone! Yes, Snoozle does that for you. It allows you to have real-time conversations with anyone you add. Although the app doesn’t use actual walkie frequencies, it works similarly. The good news is, you don’t need permission to ring your friend. So you won’t be restricted by silent mode if you have any urgent information to share or wish to check on them. Once you push the button to talk (PTT), anything you say will be sent and played to the person you connect with. This feature was initially available on Apple Watch but disabled because it makes the participants vulnerable. It allows random people to tune to your frequency and listen to your conversation. But Walkie Chat has a way around this; you can only connect with an invite, so no one can’t join your network unless you invite them. Ring My Droid Are you looking for complete control? Would you like to be able to ring someone anytime you want? Then you can Ring My Droid with the person. First, you must download the app and ensure the person has it. Initially, the app can help you find your phone when you can’t remember where it dropped. So, you can create a key phrase when you set it up on the app. The key phrase is what you then need to find your phone. Once you enter the word and send it as an SMS to your phone through someone else’s phone, it will trigger the alarm and allow you to find your phone. The app is handy for ringing your friend when their phone’s silent because you only need to enter the key phrase, and their phone immediately triggers a loud round of alarm. They will know the alarm is coming from your phone, so they might check their phones for missed calls or get back to you. Mighty Text Pro Mighty Text Pro launched a few years ago as an iMessage app for androids, and today, it now does almost everything! In addition, the app will enable you to send and reply SMS, group text messages, schedule a message, and ring your phone at maximum volume. If you direct your friend to use this, they will get notified on their computer or tablet when you call their Android phone. This means if they had their phone in silent mode, they’d be able to see your call on their computer. This app makes this list because of the Priority Ringer, which does the exact thing you are looking for in this article. The alarm app uses the Priority Ringer feature to ring their phone at the highest volume when you send them the “priority message,” even if the phone is in DND. SMS Alarm SMS Alarmis the ideal app for someone who frequently uses silent and DND modes. In addition, the app boasts of providing the best service for emergency responders. In short, this works just fine if you want to ring someone in silent mode. You only need to ensure they get the app and sign up for it. They create custom alerts based on the SMS messages received and can also enter income phone calls. The app sounds a loud alarm immediately when they receive important SMS, whether the phone’s silent or not. For it to work, you must have access to send important SMS to them. So anytime you feel like ringing them, you will send the important message via SMS, and they get a loud notification on their phone. Wake Me App Like Snoozle, this app also allows you to customize your alarm messages. It works for setting basic alarms, but it features in this list because it will enable you to ring your friends when you need to reach out to them. If the person you want to reach is not picking up calls or replying SMS and you think they might be in silent mode, use the Wake Me App. If they have the app on their mobile phone and are connected to you, you can ring their phone even in silent mode. For example, if you need to remind the person of a schedule, the meeting, event, or work function. They will get a loud message when you ring them on the app (remember, this works when they have the internet on). You can also send them a personalized message in the notification. Alarmy App Like many other apps on this list, Alarmy is a robust wake-up alarm you can use to keep things in order. This app allows you to set the alarm and gives your friends access to ring you when it’s due. This feature is available in the built-in alarm clock app if you use an iPhone. But Alarmy works just fine if you don’t. You can send an alarm to someone else’s phone using it, making it a perfect fit for the task you want to complete here too. But ensure you both have Alarmy and signed up, so they receive the alarm when sent. Logitech Remote Control Logitech remotes also serve as intelligent ways to alert your friends when you want to. The remote has many functions and is compatible with over 15 devices. For example, when connected to the person’s phone, you can use the wireless to set the phone in a loud fit of sound to notify your friend. The limitation is that you can only use it when they are around. So, for instance, if you’re in nearby rooms, but they don’t seem to be picking up their calls, you can alert them with the remote.
You have many options when you want to call someone’s attention, as you will notice from this long list of available settings, tweaks, and apps. The reason for this extensive list is to accommodate different users with different preferences. So, carefully go through all the options, and based on the features, select one that you and the person you want to notify are comfortable with. However, no matter how urgent you need to contact your friend or colleague, always remember to draw a line to accommodate their privacy. No one likes it when they get notifications that they don’t want.