Also, with Bluetooth headphones becoming more popular, it is good that we can sort out any possible issues early on; whether you are using an Android or iPhone device, it is likely you have encountered this problem. Sometimes this issue can be something as small as your device’s settings, and at other times, it could even ruin a great conversation on Discord. So, let us get right into it and resolve this issue.
Why Won’t My Bluetooth Headphones Work on Discord Mobile?
It is a real bummer when you hop into a voice channel on Discord, only to have your Bluetooth headphones or, rather, earbuds audio stop working. This cannot only be frustrating, but it could also cut into a great conversation that you are having with a friend, which is always annoying. There are a number of reasons why you may want to use Bluetooth headphones on Discord, and it could be that you want to hear better, or maybe the speaker on your device does not work correctly. In such a scenario, you may want to use the voice chat and call features that are available on the Discord app. It is also possible that you may not want to disturb anyone that is around you, so you use your Bluetooth headphones to talk with your friends on Discord. Luckily, you can equip Bluetooth headphones while using Discord on your smartphone, and usually, when setting up these connections, it goes quickly and without any issues, but that is not always the case. The process is straightforward enough, and you simply pair your Bluetooth headphones with your iPhone or Android device; however, even Bluetooth headphones can have occasional issues. In such a scenario, you have to do some device troubleshooting. With that said, you will probably want to start troubleshooting with your Bluetooth headphones before you go to check for problems with the app’s settings. When you consider all of the complicated tiny technical details that have to be synchronized in order for Discord voice channels and calls to work correctly on your mobile device, It is a big surprise that this issue is not more common for Discord users.
1. Check Headphones for Possible Problems
The first thing to do when experiencing issues with Bluetooth headphones is to check that they are actually working correctly. You will want to check over your Bluetooth headphones for any visible damage, and you will also want to check the battery level for your headphones. The battery level for your headphones plays a significant role in ensuring that your Bluetooth headphones work correctly. Make sure that your headphones are indeed synced with your device, as this also plays a big part in ensuring that Bluetooth headphones can transfer the audio that is derived from the Discord app. Given that you are not getting any audio to come through the Bluetooth headphones, you should make sure that the volume on them is not muted. You can very easily ensure that the audio is indeed working on your headphones by playing an audio file or a YouTube video. Also, make sure that the volume for your Discord call or voice channel is turned up enough for you to hear what is being said. It is crucial to check the volume on your device and on the Discord app, as both controls the volume of the audio on your Bluetooth headphones.
Fix – Turn Up and Unmute Volume
As previously mentioned, you will want to make sure that the volume is turned up for your Bluetooth headphones. While it may seem like an obvious thing to check, it can actually be easy to forget to check this when you are in the middle of a conversation on Discord. If you are using your Bluetooth headphones on your iPhone, you can easily check the volume settings for your headphones on your iOS mobile device, and you may not be aware of how to check these headphones’ audio settings on your iPhone. To Check Volume Settings on iPhone (iOS) Step 1. The first thing you will want to do is navigate to and open your device’s “Settings” app, which is located on your iPhone device. Step 2. After opening the Settings app on your iPhone, go ahead and locate the “Sounds and Haptics” option (for iPhone 7 and later) or the “Sounds” option (for earlier models). Step 3. Under the “Sounds and Haptics” option or the “Sounds” option (depending on your model), this is where you will find the volume settings for your iPhone device. Under these settings, you will be able to set the volume for your Bluetooth headphones on your iPhone and make sure that they are not possibly muted. To Check Volume Settings on Android Step 1. From the home screen on your Android device, you will want to go to and open the “Settings” app. Step 2. Next, you can locate the “Sound” option and select it to open the sound settings options menu. Step 3. Once you have selected the Sound option, you will be taken to the sound settings options menu. Under the sound settings, you can adjust the volume of your Bluetooth connective headphones and ensure that they are not possibly muted.
2. There’s a Bug
It is possible that the Discord app may have a bug, and we do not imply a literal bug, but instead, we suggest a technical bug. The phrase “bug” in technical terms is an umbrella word used to describe almost any recurring problem in a computer’s program and, in this case, the software for the Discord application. When considering if the problem may be a bug, you will want to also consider the app cache for the application. The app cache or cached data holds and stores its user’s data and information in order for the app to perform quicker. While the app cache does help the performance of the application, it also has its drawbacks; since when it builds up, it can lead the app to instead, perform sluggishly and cause latency. Cached data essentially helps the app load actions quicker since it can simply reload that stored data rather than loading it from the web every time you use the app. With this in mind, you could say that the app cache has a certain amount of “memory” so that it can refer to and load from this memory in order to speed up the app’s performance and how fast you can perform actions on the application. However, this cached data or “memory” can also hold bugs in it, so the next time you go to use the app, the bug is reintroduced. This can create a cruel cycle of the bug causing issues again and again. To clear the bug out of the application’s cached data, you will want to clear the app cache for the application. You can clear the cached data for the Discord app on your mobile device by following the steps provided below. To Clear The App Cache for The Discord Application (iPhone) Step 1. Firstly, starting from the home screen on your iPhone device, you will want to go to and open the “Settings” app. Step 2. Next, you can scroll through and locate the app you would like to clear the cached data for, and in this case, it will be “Discord.” Step 3. Once you have found the app in question (Discord), you will want to select the app, which will bring you to where you will find the “Clear App Cache On Next Launch” option. Step 4. Select the “Clear App Cache On Next Launch” option, and the app cache will be cleared for the Discord application. To Clear The App Cache for The Discord Application (Android) Step 1. Firstly, starting at the home screen on your Android device, you will want to go to and open the “Settings” app. Step 2. Once you have opened the Settings app on your Android device, you can select the “Storage” option. Step 3. Next, you will want to tap on the “Other Apps” option, which will take you to a list of installed apps on your Android device. Step 4. On this list of installed apps, you can locate and select the “Discord” app; on the next page, you will find the “Clear Cache” option, which you can select to clear the app cache for the Discord application. By correctly following the steps above, you will have effectively cleared the app cache for the Discord application, and hopefully, the bug will be removed along with the removable data. Remember clearing the app cache will not remove any critical information or data that is on the application.
3. Turn Bluetooth Off and Back On
You have almost definitely heard the question of, “Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?” This could actually work when you are experiencing the issue of not having audio on your Bluetooth headphones while using the Discord app. While you will not be exactly “unplugging” and “replugging” your Bluetooth headphones, instead, you will be turning them off and then turning them back on. By doing this, you are re-establishing the connection that your Bluetooth headphones sync to your device with, which could certainly help the audio to return to a working state.
Fix – Turn Your Device’s Bluetooth Off and Back On
As previously stated, turning the Bluetooth feature off and back on can help re-establish the Bluetooth connection and could possibly return the audio to your headphones. Sometimes this connection can essentially get confused and could possibly think that you have your Bluetooth turned off when in actuality, you have it turned on. By turning your Bluetooth off and back on, it can also help both your device and your headphones recognize the signal being sent and received by the Bluetooth short-range radio waves since sometimes these short-range radio waves can become directed to the wrong device. Especially if you have the Bluetooth feature turned to “On” on another nearby device. Which can misdirect the short-range radio waves coming from your Bluetooth headphones. If you are aware of how to turn the Bluetooth feature off and on, you can follow the steps provided below. To Turn Bluetooth On/Off For iPhone Step 1. Starting at the home screen on your iPhone, you will want to navigate to and open the “Settings” app. Step 2. Next, from the Settings options menu, you can find the “Bluetooth” option, which you will want to select. Step 3. Under the “Bluetooth” options menu, you can toggle the “On” and “Off” switches for your Bluetooth-connected devices, in this case, your headphones. To Turn Bluetooth On/Off For Android Step 1. Firstly, starting at the home screen on your Android device, you will want to go to and open the “Settings” app. Step 2. Next, under the Settings options menu, you should be able to both locate and select the “Bluetooth” option. Step 3. Once you have selected the “Bluetooth” option, it will take you to the options menu where you can toggle the “On” and “Off” switches, which you will want to turn to “Off” and then back to “On.” By following these steps above, you can turn your Bluetooth off and back on, which should help re-establish the Bluetooth connection.
4. Force Stop The Discord App
When experiencing this issue of not having audio come through on your Bluetooth connective headphones when using the Discord app, a viable option is to force-stop the Discord app. This option should only be considered and carried out when you believe the app to be malfunctioning, therefore causing the audio to not go through on your Bluetooth headphones. When you force-stop an app, it will stop all processes going on in that app, and it will also stop the app from accessing any of its cached data, which can also help in the case of a bug. Since force-stopping an app will effectively stop all tasks on the app, it could help reprocess the Bluetooth audio connection you have established with your headphones. To Force Stop/Quit an App (iPhone) Step 1. On your iPhone, you will want to double-tap the spherical home button to see all of your open applications. Step 2. Once the opened apps are shown, you can swipe right or left to find the app you wish to force stop (in this case, “Discord”). Step 3. Once you find the app you wish to force stop, you can then press and hold to drag the app’s card all the way up to force stop/quit the app. To Force Stop/Quit an App (Android) Step 1. On your Android device, you will want to go to and open the “Settings” app. Step 2. Next, you can select the “Apps,” Applications, or the “Manage Apps” option. Step 3. On the applications list, you can locate and select the app you wish to force stop/quit. Step 4. Once you have both located and selected the app, you wish to force stop/quit, and you can tap on the “Force Stop” option to force stop the app. Force-stopping, the Discord app, could possibly help get the audio back since when you reopen the app, it will reload the task of you using your Bluetooth headphones along with the voice channel or call you are on. It can sometimes be tricky when working with Bluetooth headphones. Still, it is good for us to figure out these issues early on since Bluetooth headphones are not only advancing almost every day but are also becoming more common in everyday use. Remember that it is essential to start with the basics when encountering issues with your Bluetooth headphones before considering if the problem may be with the application since even though Bluetooth headphones are relatively easy to set up, they can still have connective issues. With that in mind, as always, start with the headphones before moving on to other possible problems.
Final Thoughts
The Discord app is an excellent way to keep in touch with friends and fellow gamers, and with VoIP features (Voice over Internet Protocol), it can be easy to use. Sometimes you do not want to type out what you would like to say, and in such a scenario, you may use a voice channel or voice call on the Discord app. Also, with Bluetooth headphones, it can certainly be helpful to have your hands free to do other tasks. As previously mentioned, Bluetooth headphones are becoming more popular and show no signs of slowing down, and they are only showing signs of further advancement. We hope you found an answer to your problem in this feature and if you did, consider sharing this article with friends or a family member that could possibly use some tech help.